It’s great to see so many photos of our students being shared on social medial but we would also like to see them on our website so please send us your photos using the uploader below and we will add them to our photo gallery. Your Name: Student(s) Name: Add photos: [ajax_multi_upload startOn=’onSubmit:form’ multi=’true’ sendEmail=’true’ saveData=’true’ requiredFields=’name,surname’ attachImages=’formSubmission’ filesLimit=’2′ multi=’true’ afterUpload=’Thanks for sending us you photos!’ onprogress=’percentage’ thumbnails=’770x,x580′ thumbnailsCrop=’false’ fileExt=’jpg,jpeg,png,gif’ fileDesc=’Images (*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.png, *.gif)’ buttonText=’Select Photos’ ajaxInfoId=’info’ ajaxLoaderId=’loader’ allowRemove=’true’ poststatus=’publish’]