Sarah’s 30 minutes of “fun”

Here it is..... 30 minutes of Sarah's full body strength and cardio exercises for you to play along at home. Always follow the instructions and ensure correct posture throughout. Try to push yourself but do not carry on if you feel faint or dizzy.
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20 minute: Kuk Sool drill and Exercise session

If you've always fancied having a go at what we do but have either not had the courage to step onto the mats or have always been too busy, here is your chance. Try this pre-recorded beginner level martial arts drill, this is similar to that at the beginning of any white belt class in our dojang. Suitable for kids or adults and a good way to ease you into your first class. ...
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Tournament Information

Tournament Information The following information is for the 2019 summer World Kuk Sool Association competitions.   Scottish Championships - Saturday 25th May Location: Ravenscraig Sports Facility, Motherwell, Scotland   European Championships - Saturday 1st June Location: UEA Sportspark, Norwich   Dates above are for the coloured belt com...
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Send Us Your Photos

It's great to see so many photos of our students being shared on social medial but we would also like to see them on our website so please send us your photos using the uploader below and we will add them to our photo gallery. (more…)
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International Spanish Tournament 2017

Last weekend saw 33 members of our school and a large number of their friends and family travel to Barcelona for the KSW XII International Spanish Tournament 2017. This was the first time that we'd taken a large team to an overseas tournament and was the culmination of 6 weeks hard work and tournament training. (more…)
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